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WCBI New at Six - 10/10/2020

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WCBI New at Six - 10/10/2020
WCBI New at Six - 10/10/2020
WCBI New at Six - 10/10/2020

More heartache along the hurricane- battered gulf coast.éé heavy rain and strong winds are again pounding coastal louisiana and portions of texas and mississippi after hurricane delta became the átenthá named storm to hit the u-s mainland this year.éé cbs's mireya villarreal is in charles, louisiana.éé script: hurricane delta blew making landfall friday night as a category two storm - drenching the gulf coast with torrents of rain. in the road...the storm surge is coming and there's just fish swimming up the road.

Delta's winds topped out at 100 miles per hour, knocking out electricity to hundreds of thousands of people.

Many of them still feeling battered by hurricane laura, six weeks ago.

áthatá storm followed nearly the same path as delta, and left nearly every building and home in lake charles, louisiana damaged.

It's hitting probably like 15 miles from where it hit originally.

So we're really worried about how our house is doing right now.

This morning 25- hundred members of louisiana's national guard are fanning out to help in hard hit areas.

This is a very tough time, but we also know the people of louisiana and southwest louisiana are very tough and resilient and faithful and were gonna get them through this.

Delta is the fourth named storm to hit louisiana this year.

13:27:25 the need is enormous.... blue tarps on every roof.

It's just devastating.

13:27:40 darren worthington is a minister in lake charles... his church coordinates relief efforts.

And while he's confident his city can bounce back, he admits this string of storms has been tough.

13:26:46 when did you start to feel that anxiety?

I actually said, it's 2020... it's been that kind of year, it's been that kind of year.


While the remnants of what once was hurricane delta continue to move out of the area, we are still going to see a few showers and some breezy winds tonight into sunday.

After that, clear skies return as temperatures warm back up into the 80s.

Saturday night: the 80s.

Saturday night: rain showers continue off-and- while the remnants of what once was hurricane delta continue to move out of the area, we are still going to see a few showers and some breezy winds tonight into sunday.

After that, clear skies return as temperatures warm back up into the 80s.

Saturday night: rain showers continue off-and- on tonight as mostly cloudy conditions persist.

Temperatures will fall to the mid and upper 60s with breezy southerly winds.

Sunday: a few showers will be possible for the first half of sunday, but overall, we'll start to slowly dry out.

Skies will likely remain mostly cloudy, but we could see a peek of sunshine or two before sunset.

Thanks to the clouds, highs will only be in the mid to upper 70s.

Monday: mostly sunny skies make a comeback for monday as temperatures climb higher than we've seen in the past several weeks.

Highs will be in the mid to upper 80s, with a few spots even getting close to 90.

No rain is expected and, other than the heat, it'll be a nice day.

Tuesday-thursday: a weak cold front will clear the area on monday, bringing our temperatures department of health officials are reporting 957 new cases of covid-19 with 16 new deaths.éé there are 21 new cases among long term care facilities within the state.

éé the total number of cases is more than 104-thousand with more than 3- thousand deaths.

éé it's presumed that more than thousand 90- thousand mississippians have recovered from the virus.

éé there are new signs that the u-s is on the verge of áanotherá strong wave of the coronavirus.

éé on friday, more than 57-thousand new cases were reported.

éé there are more than 7.6 million known infections across the country.

éé michael george is in new york the report.

éé script: we do see some of those early signs that we saw across the south after memorial day, a sense that there's early asymptomatic silent spread."

Dr. deborah birx of the white house coronavius task force toured the northeast this week, warning of a surge and pointing the finger at those responsible.

It's happening in homes and social occasions and people gathering and taking their masks off.

Stepping up to help, these volunteers in new york are literally standing on street corners handing out masks&.

"i've been seeing a lot of people without masks so they're seeing it and they're grabbing it."

Nat soundup/social media fire and protest but, also in new york city, members of the orthodox jewish community took to the streets and took the governor to court for closing houses of worship in order to slow the spread.

A federal judge sided with the governor friday.

Well, we are going to go through some tough few weeks here&.

While new york's mayor condemned the protests, the state is tightening restrictions in places where the virus is spreading...and it's impacting broadway.

It's certainly possible that shows will not be able to come back.

The impact is widespread... broadway shows are a 15 billion dollars a year boost to the local economy.

Now some 97,000 workers are waiting in the wings, including oboist keve wilson.

She's part of the musical enemble of the show "company."

I feel like we're in a holding pattern but we do have to make some choices.

I talked to a musician yesterday who said she's going to back to school for accounting to try to have a new career.

A starkville family learned their 18 month old daughter had a form of pediatric cancer back in 2018.

éé but now the scans have come back clear and she's cancer free.éé just two years ago reagan bradford was diagnosed with b- cell lymphoma.

éé on monday, doctors told parents t.j.

And joy bradford their now 3 year old daughter is completely done with treatment.

éé and to celebrate the great news, the couple invited family, friends and neighbors for a drive thru celebration.

éé dozens stopped by to share well wishes, gifts, and pictures with the family.

éé the bradford's say this was one of the toughest moments to experience but their extremely blessed reagan came out victorious .

éé " it was challenging probably the most challenging thing i've ever experienced in life but we see god's hand every step of the way literally he's been faithful literally the things that they promised she experience she did it she took it in stride she did it with grace."

" it's one of those things that you never think can happen to you or your family but god's been faithful god's been with us every step of the way he's given us peace and just people encouraging us and just being around us that's a real big thing to have.

People are just coming by and celebrating that little rockstar of a girl and his blessings to our heart for people who come by who have called and just checking in did you say she is a survivor."

You can see the full story on reagan's journey on our website at wcbi dot com.

éé president trump is ready to resume public appearances to make up for lost time from his bout with the coronavirus.

éé despite questions about his health, mr. trump is expected to host his first event at the white house since testing positive for the virus.

éé chip reid is at the white house.

éé script: 20:20:04 trump on fox tonight: i feel really good.

I feel very strong.

In an interview on fox news friday night, president trump said he had completed his course of covid therapeutics and described his early symptoms as mild.

8:20:04 trump on fox/tucker carlson's show: i didn't feel strong.

I had no problem with breathing.

None of that.

But i didn't feel very strong, vital.

Didn't feel like a president should feel.

Something was off.

But earlier in the day, the president told rush limbaugh he was so sick last week he thought he might not make it.

It looked like it was going to be a big deal.

And you know what that means, right?

That means bad.

The president says he recovered quickly because he had immediate access to the doctors and the treatments.

20:32:22 we have a white house doctor who's great and you have so many great doctors.

It's a lot easier for me than somebody who doesn't have access to a doctor easily where it's a big deal to see a doctor.

The president insists he's good to go, but the white house has yet to disclose if he has tested negative for the virus which would indicate he's no longer contagious.

Biden nats while campaigning in nevada on friday, former vice president joe biden called the president's behavior "reckless."

Biden in nv: 533 his reckless personal conduct since his diagnosis with the destabilizing effect its having on our government is unconscionable.

He didn't take the necessary precautions to protect himself or others.

When asked about mr. trump's planned return to the campaign trail, the democratic nominee said this: 813 biden: "good luck.

I wouldn't show up unless you had a mask and were distanced.

We have an exclusive first look at the future of high speed rail travel amtrak's new, faster, acela.éé that story after the break.

éé we have an exclusive first look at the future of high speed rail travel , amtrak's new, faster, acela.

éé the rollout continues, despite word from amtrak that 24- hundred more employees face possible layoffs because of the pandemic.éé that's in addition to furloughs affecting about two- thousand employees that started last week.

éé kris van cleave visited the colorado facility where testing is taking place.

éé that is the sound of speed&next year america's fastest train will start rolling down the tracks between boston, new york and washington at up to 160 miles an hour.

And&we're getting a first look at the new acela as it undergoes speed testing at this sprawling 30- thousand acre facility outside pueblo colorado.

It's going to be a game changer for many people.

Amtrak vice president caroline decker kvc: why can't the us have as fast trains as other countries?

áá cd: in europe and in asia, you have a lot of infrastructure, a lot of right of ways that were built specifically for these designated high speed corridors.

The northeast corridor, which in many areas is more than 100 years old, was never designed for high speed trains.

The new trains will be 10 miles an hour faster than the current 20 year old high speed fleet.

Amtrak hopes to shave about 15 minutes off a trip between dc and boston, while carrying 25% more passengers and using 20% less engery.

Nats built by alstom in hornell new york, the new acela is part of a 2.4 billion dollar modernization effort that is continuing despite the pandemic and amtrak's decision to furlough or layoff more than 2000 employees.

Kvc given the pandemic, given the plummeting demand, why move forward with this project now?

áá cd we have to look to the future.

We owe it to the generations of americans that are here 10 years, 20 years from now kris: even as the new acela is racing down these test tracks at up to 165 mph, the coronavirus is forcing some redesigns on the inside of the train dc: we are improving some of the design looking at air conditioning, airflow dc: its airflows, its touchless, its installing sanitizing stations.

It's all those things.

The train meets stronger crash worthiness standards while promising a smoother ride.

On the inside it boasts improved wifi, and a host of contactless features including a self-service caf?

Car and a touchless restroom.

Kris van cleave, cbs news, pueblo colorado.

While the remnants of what once was hurricane delta continue to move out of the area, we are still going to see a few showers and some breezy winds tonight into sunday.

After that, clear skies return as temperatures warm back up into the 80s.

Saturday night: rain showers continue off-and- on tonight as mostly cloudy conditions persist.

Temperatures will fall to the mid and upper 60s with breezy southerly winds.

Sunday: a few showers will be possible for the first half of sunday, but overall, we'll start to slowly dry out.

Skies will likely remain mostly cloudy, but we could see a peek of sunshine or two before sunset.

Thanks to the clouds, highs will only be in the mid to upper 70s.

Monday: mostly sunny skies make a comeback for monday as temperatures climb higher than we've seen in the past several weeks.

Highs will be in the mid to upper 80s, with a few spots even getting close to 90.

No rain is expected and, other than the heat, it'll be a nice day.

Tuesday-thursday: a weak cold front will clear the area on monday, bringing our temperatures closer to normal for the middle of the week.

Highs will be in the low 80s with overnight lows in the 50s.

Overall, a perfect stretch of weather!

Friday-saturday: yet another cold front moves through on friday, bringing the chance of some isolated showers on friday.

Temperatures will dip once again, with highs only in the upper 60s to low 70s for friday and saturday.

Saturday morning's low will be in the low 40s, which could bring us some patchy frost.

To get the latest forecast anytime, download the wcbi news app or visit our website at

You can also get the latest weather updates on facebook, twitter, and instagram.

While the remnants of what once was hurricane delta continue to move out of the area, we are still going to see a few showers and some breezy winds tonight into sunday.

After that, clear skies return as temperatures warm back up into the 80s.

Saturday night: rain showers continue off-and- on tonight as mostly cloudy conditions persist.

Temperatures will fall to the mid and upper 60s with breezy southerly winds.

Sunday: a few showers will be possible for the first half of sunday, but overall, we'll start to slowly dry out.

Skies will likely remain mostly cloudy, but we could see a peek of sunshine or two before sunset.

Thanks to the clouds, highs will only be in the mid to upper 70s.

Monday: mostly sunny skies make a comeback for monday as temperatures climb higher than we've seen in the past several weeks.

Highs will be in the mid to upper 80s, with a few spots even getting close to 90.

No rain is expected and, other than the heat, it'll be a nice day.

Tuesday-thursday: a weak cold front will clear the area on monday, bringing our temperatures closer to normal for the middle of the week.

Highs will be in the low 80s with overnight lows in the 50s.

Overall, a perfect stretch of weather!

Friday-saturday: yet another cold front moves through on friday, bringing the chance of some isolated showers on friday.

Temperatures will dip once again, with highs only in the upper 60s to low 70s for friday and saturday.

Saturday morning's low will be in the low 40s, which could bring us some patchy frost.

To get the latest forecast anytime, download the wcbi news app or visit our website at

You can also get the latest weather updates on facebook, twitter, and instagram.

While the remnants of what once was hurricane delta continue to move out of the area, we are still going to see a few showers and some breezy winds tonight into sunday.

After that, clear skies return as temperatures warm back up into the 80s.

Saturday night: rain showers continue off-and- on tonight as mostly cloudy conditions persist.

Temperatures will fall to the mid and upper 60s with breezy southerly winds.

Sunday: a few showers will be possible for the first half of sunday, but overall, we'll start to slowly dry out.

Skies will likely remain mostly cloudy, but we could see a peek of sunshine or two before sunset.

Thanks to the clouds, highs will only be in the mid to upper 70s.

Monday: mostly sunny skies make a comeback for monday as temperatures climb higher than we've seen in the past several ole miss looks to upset the alabama crimson tide for the first time since 2015...catch the preview of tonight's match-up, next in sports we are just minutes away from opening kick-off between ole miss and 2nd ranked alabama the rebels and first year head coach lane kiffin are looking to pull of the upset against the crimson tide for the first time since 2015 however, alabama heads into vaught- hemingway stadium, 2-0, averaging 45 points a game and only allowing less than 22 pts a game wcbi sports director jon sokoloff reports from oxford with more on the evening match-up kiffin: "great opponent.

Probably coach's best team that he's had you know as far as no holes.

So big challenge for us.

You know the outcomes the last three years and so it's our goal to not to let that happen again.

It wont be easy.

Premier players.

Premier coaching .like i mentioned in some article the other day their offensive system is a lot harder than when we were at tennessee playing them."

Over in lexington, kick-off also just moments away missisisppi state hit the road for the second time this season as the bulldogs and first year head coach mike leach are just moments away from playing kentucky week three presents an opportunity to provide some clarity after a rollercoaster in the last two weeks..the bulldogs coming off a tough loss at home last week against arkansas now, coach leach will try to correct some offensive mistakes in order to upset his former team we'll have highlights and scores for you coming up on wcbi sports at ten as of now, ole miss and 2nd ranked alabama will still be kicking off on saturday..the only change is the game has been pushed back an hour and will now start at 6:30 central time you can watch that game on espn....we'll update you as the storm develops and should anything change... mississippi state is able to evade the weather this week with a match-up in lexington against kentucky on saturday kick-off also at 6:30 pm on the s-e-c network...we'll have the highlights tomorrow night for you here on wcbi how about some top 25 s-e-c football...4th ranked florida at 21st ranked texas a&m 1st quarter, 7:30 to go...florida quarterback kyle trask finds tight end kyle pitts for a 5 yard touchdown...florid a up 7-0 2nd quarter under 5 in the half...after some back and forth...r-b nay'quan wright takes it in for the 1-yard score...florida up 21-14 to take the lead at halftime second half...3rd quarter and under 10 remaining...trask throws deep...connects with wide receiver kadarius toney to take a 28-17 lead..toney's second touchdown of the game later in the third..about 4 and a half to go...aggies running back isaiah spiller finds some room to get into the endzone...3 yard touchdown...aggie s cut it to 28-24 florida in the lead 4th quarter...12:45 to go...spiller takes the handoff..trucks a defender and goes 19 yards for the score...aggies get the team's first lead of the game, 31-28 10 minutes in the half..send in florida kicker evan mcpherson to tie it up with a 53 yard field knotted at 31 under 9 minutes to go....kellen mond back to pass...throws and is caught by wr ainais smith for 11 yds...ball is dropped and florida recovers... gators take over...caps off the turnover...trask finds rb dameon pierce for the 1 yard touchdown...florid a takes the lead 38- 31 however, it's the aggies that are able to pull off the upset and come away with the 41-38 win off a winning field goal... aggies qb kellen mond finishing with 338 yards and 3 touchdowns on the outing we're going to take a quick break but when

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