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Friday, 14 June 2024

When is a neighbors' lockdown fun too loud?

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When is a neighbors' lockdown fun too loud?
When is a neighbors' lockdown fun too loud?

Calls to police in Geneva have more doubled under lockdown, with one to complain about a neighborhood choir intended to cheer people up.

Joe Davies reports.

When in lockdown, you need something to keep the spirits up.

Residents at this apartment block in Geneva have been taking part in a sing-song from their balconies most evenings since the middle of March.

But not everyone is happy about the singing and dancing.

Some have complained about the noise, and one night the police turned up.

Audrey is one of those who's been encouraging the community to sing together.

(SOUNDBITE) (French) RESIDENT, AUDREY, SAYING: "The police came to disperse the crowd, but they were also cheering us, they were happy to see us, they were not here to upset us or to ask us to stop.

If we had had to turn down the sound, if we really had had to change what we were doing, we would have.

We were very careful to make sure it didn't last too long, 10 minutes each time, that it was varied to please everybody's taste, that way even the furthest neighbous could find something they enjoyed.

If they'd told us not to make any noise, we would have been a silent choir." The choir didn't receive a fine, just a warning.

But the residents have decided to reduce the length of their daily show.

Complaints to Geneva police about noise have more than doubled in April compared to last year.

There are strict rules concerning noise here.

Authorities regulate the hours for practicing a musical instrument and home DIY - with fines of up to 10,000 Swiss francs if the rules are broken.

Running a bath after 9 p.m.

Is also banned.

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